Tuesday, 11 October 2011

More Adverts

This White Lies poster is a very simple but very effective one. They have used their album artwork for their second studio album 'Ritual' which is the two young girls, in front of some kind of panel with a curtain. This image is very eye grabbing as you get the feeling that the girls are staring at you, which could be appealing to lads in particular. They use the fact that the majority of their shows are already sold out to good effect with the highlight in red and capital letters SOLD OUT. 
They use the traditional font for their band name that they always use and give the logos of the bands that are supporting them. Furthermore they follow all of the usual conventions of giving away details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase.

For me this Radiohead album poster is class. It's very simple, yet extremely effective. The first thing you will notice is the fact that the band's name is actually reversed and shown backwards, however it is still clearly readable. I think that this is a simple yet effective technique as it is very much an eye grabber. Apart from the band's name and the album title there is little information given, just the basics of where to get the album and the date it's out. The image used on the poster to many will look irrelevant however it is in fact of the tree the album is named after, believed to be around 1000 years old.

Fenech Soler here are once again keeping this basic, which I appreciate. They simply have a picture of the band, the band's name and all the information expected to be seen on a tour poster; details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase.
The poster is completed for me with a little quote about the band, highlighting the fact that big names within the music industry have recognised Fenech Soler's work and tipping them for big things, which will of course only increase sales.

Them Crooked Vultures have a gem of a tour poster here for me. They have given it the old fashioned look, making it seem like it should be pinned onto a wooden lampost a hundred years ago. There's nothing to fancy, just an image of the band, obviously with Vultures for heads, in reference to their name, but apart from that it's just the usual details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase.

This Foals poster is one of my favourites. Like the Radiohead it's advertising the new album and everything is so simple. They have the band's name, the new album's name, when it's out, the platforms it's available on and then finally a link to their official website. The image used is that of the album artwork for 'Total Life Forever'.

This is a poster from a band called Yuck. The artwork despite looking strange, and possibly making you say the bands name out loud, is actually relevant as it is the very same artwork as on the front cover of their debut studio album. The biggest font on the poster is that of the band's name. The colour scheme is fairly basic, using whites, black and a red. The poster once again offers details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase.

I don't really like this Cage The Elephant poster for a number of reasons. For me, the name of the band should be clear and should be something that you avoid tampering with, unless of course it's something that will still be easily readable such as when Radiohead reversed their name on their album poster. The colours seem week, the layout for me is weak and I believe they would benefit from a much stronger and bolder font. Apart from that everything else seems alright, in terms of details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase.

I found this postcard in my room from a gig I went to early last year. It was given to me for free as I was leaving the venue. I thought it was a good way of promoting the at the then time unreleased album, as it was something that was different to your average poster. The information on there is obviously minimal with just the band's name and their new album's name.

This Macccabees finish off my poster/postcard post off nicely with their touring poster for their second album 'Wall Of Arms'. The image used is the same as that of the 'Wall Of Arms' artwork, which works very well in terms of layout. They have then opted to keep things very simple underneath with just black and whites in terms of colours and with the details about dates, locations and either a hotline or websites or even both where the tickets are available to purchase etc kept very simple. I also think it looks good with the poster not only advertising their tour, but with a little comment made about the new album, and a direct link to their official website. 

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