Friday 14 October 2011

Digi-Pak 3 Page Image

I've been trying to decide what I want on the 3 inner pages on my Digi-Pak. I've been looking at some examples from artists that are of a similar genre or of a style that I like. Here's some examples;

I like all of these 3 page spreads mainly because of the fact that they link together in an obvious way.

To beging with, Arctic Monkeys' Favourite Worst Nightmare 3 page spread are all images of the artwork that they have painted inside different locations and then taken a picture from outside with all the lights on. The CD itself has a close up of one of the images that they painted inside. I think the whole thing works well and looks pretty smart.

Secondly I have been looking at Glasvegas' debut album. At first glance this inside cover looks very simple, however when you take a further look at it it's really not. The whole thing is one big image, split upto into the 3 separate covers. I really like this idea and they have stuck to the same colour scheme throughout all aspects of the release.I'm not too sure what exactly the images at the bottom are representing, possibly where they grew up or something, i'm not sure. All in all I really like this idea of using one big image I will be definitely using it.

Out of the three this really is my favourite. They have once again used the 3 covers to produce one big image and this time it looks exceptional. They have used the disc as part of the image so that it aligns perfectly to keep the image, this idea is one I will be looking to incorporate in my own work. I also like the way that they fold out in this cover is actually glued down [the bottom page is] and then you can still flick through have have a look. The fold out is actually all images similar to that of these, with all the same colour scheme. I really like this and I will now be looking to use a fold out in my own work.

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