Monday 17 October 2011

Mock Up Magazine advert/Poster

Here is my mock magazine advert/Poster. Like the Santogold poster I analyzed in an earlier post this poster is designed to follow the representations/themes of the album cover mock up. I have continued the idea of using playing cards by creating this magazine advert. I have used a picture of an ace and simply added text. Despite the simplicity of the design I am very fond of what I have created as I believe it looks unique and suits the genre of the music our band creates. However as this is only a mock up changes can be made and looking back at my research I may add a silhouette of the band. I took inspiration for this idea from the magazine advert by the Foals featured in an earlier post. I believe adding a silhouette to this magazine advert would add the finishing touches by showing off more photoshop skills and also show more creativity. Using a silhouette would be better that using an image of the band as would fit with the simplicity idea and also stick to the black and red colour scheme. This would look something like the poster below:

After looking at both options I definitely believe that adding the silhouette of the band members definitely adds something to the overall finish of the poster and will definitely be something that I may look to produce for my finished poster.

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