Friday 2 September 2011

No Kind Words - The Maccabees, Video Analysis

The opening scene of this music video appears to be quite simple, the mid shot of the camera shows two people sitting at a table. However as the video continues an animation appears in the area between the two characters, this animation appears in the form of two lines, one red and one blue. The amnimation creates what is known as amplication, as the animation along with the title of the song 'No Kind Words' adds a deeper meaning the video as it becomes clear the two characters are in a confrontation with one another.

The animation creates a maze in which the red and blue collide causing an explotion as the conversation heats up. The animation then takes the form of classic game of ping in which red and blue dots are fired across the gap between the two characters which perhaps represents the insults being delivered to each other.  The song begins with the lyrics...' Dear friend of mine has, Broken his union' which backs up the suggestions made by the animation, that something has happened which has caused the argument between the two characters which is documented in the music video.

In this part of the video the animation is particularly enlightening, the animation shows what appears to be sound waves coming from each character. The characters facial expressions also become much more animated during this scene, suggesting the argument is heating up. The lyrics 'Alone, alone, alone' are repeated throughout the song showing that the characters have grown apart, which could be represented by the wide space between the two characters.

Towards the end of video there is clearly a victor in the arguement, this can be seen through the animation and the body language of the characters. The blue animation backs down and offers on apology which is quickly dismissed by the other character, who shoots down any hopes of reconciliation which is shown by the animation in the form of another retro game, Space Invaders.

After a failure to make amends with the other character the video ends with a close up of the character, the close up shot emphasisis the characters expression which appears to be extremely sad and disconcerted, this connotes that the character is extremely upset about events which suggests he had lost someone that was extremely close to him. However towards the end of the clip the animation has much less meaning and does not really represent anything to the audience, this is known as disjuncture.

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