I've been working on my front cover again tonight, taking several pictures and working on the collage. It's proving a hard task and very time consuming at the minute with trying to make everything fit nicely. I'm still however hoping that I will be able to produce the final piece as tonight I also completed the back cover giving the new album track names. I've kept to the idea explained in a previous post of having just 10 tracks on the album and I've also decided to keep all track names in lower case and give no numbering as I believe it works better.
golden sun
young love
lotus flower
secret door
two steps, twice
good evening
Despite these seeming somewhat slightly random there has been a lot of thought put into them. First of all with the track named eyelids this is done because I wanted to feature various pictures on the front cover of eyes and I thought it would be fitting to include a song with a eye reference. Furthermore, I opened the album on this track as when you wake up you open your eyes hence it being track 1. In terms if golden sun, this is another track that relates to the morning hence the start of the album and I like the way the sun is described as golden. Young Love is a track that was released by the Mystery Jets. I really like the song and believe it fits well with my genre, I once again decided to feature it towards the first half of the album due to the obvious use of Young in the track name implying it's early on.
Lotus flower was a track I knew was going on my album from day one, due to the fact I had plans for various shots of flowers for my front cover in my mind. It's a song from Radiohead who are a band that I listen to a lot and wanted to get some kind of reference of them into my band. Secret Door is a track that comes from Arctic Monkeys. I picked it really because of the use of the word Secret and the way that everything seems a bit elusive, which is definitely the feel I wanted to get across for LA Unknown. Two Steps, Twice comes from a band called Foals. I'm not too sure why I wanted it in there, but I really like the title of the song so decided to get it in there. Track number 7 sees the single from the album 'Shuffle' appear. I chose to put this in at number 7 purely for the reason that it's so many people's lucky/favourite number and with it being the debut single it's likely to be someone's favourite track on the album at first. After that we have Jigsaw, once again another song from Radiohead, however this time I chose to use it because of the fact that my front cover is something of a Jigsaw and I believed it represented the whole idea really well. Good Evening is my track 9, this was chosen as it's coming to the end of the album. As the night draws to an end you would say good evening, so to give the idea that the album is coming to an end I thought it would be a good song name to use towards the end. It is also a song title that is used by Bombay Bicycle Club. My last track name 'infinity' comes from The XX. I really like the idea that there is no end and it never stops so wanted to give this same impression for the album; just because it has ended doesn't mean that the meaning has stopped applying to everything. It also links in with the never ending spiral that I plan to have on my front cover.
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