Last week we set out in Birmingham with a camera, batteries, food and a few skateboards alongside a few of our friends.
We had finally managed to get everyone together, all be it including one band member actually being rather an unplanned final addition to our four man group. However this certain individual ticked all the boxes for us in terms of his looks his acting credentials and he also is a sponsored skateboarder so he had a few tricks or two for our camera.
We successfully managed to get all shots filmed that we wanted to in Birmingham city centre, however there were several hurdles/issues we had to overcome in order for this to happen.
First of all the keyboard we had managed to get our hands on was extremely big and heavy and with our trip lasting 9 hours this meant that between me and Ed we had to split the time in which we carried this massive instrument around the ever busy city centre of Birmingham whilst dealing with several comments from members of the public and certain Russian men asking whether or not we were selling the Keyboard. We managed to carry it all the way back to the car at the other end of the train station with me and Ed exhausted from hauling it around with us all day.
Another issue we faced was the fact that the city was so busy. Obviously we were well aware that it would still be fairly packed out despite it not being school holidays and a usual working day, however we didn't quite think it would be as busy as it was. This lead to a few problems in terms of us having to try and get some footage of skating within the city centre and also when we were trying to get our 'hide & seek' shots inside H & M clothing store. We had also storyboarded the idea that the band would actually mount the bull outside the bullring, however there was building work taking place on the lighting around the bull so this wasn't possible.
We need to to re film several shots purely because we need the quality higher and also we could do with a few shots being re filmed because despite us going for the handheld look we believe it would look a lot better if the camera was still and in a fixed position.
When we put together our animatic we were well aware we may need some extra shots in order to speed up our video and keep the viewers interested, therefore we went about this by adding in some action shots of skateboarding and certain signs that we felt were appropriate to use in our music video.
We recieved our feedback from our teacher and despite half of our video being missing we still scored a reasonable 17/40, this being bottom level 2. It seems that the teacher's beliefs were very much the same as ours. They had also commented on the fact that we should only take certain shots handheld and that the others should be filmed with a tripod. We were also told to consider using various distances in our shots and perhaps to use this to develop our characters and gain a basic understanding with them.
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