Wednesday 14 December 2011

Question 2 in reference to the video

Our video is heavily linked to our digipacks in both cases and also represents our band image well.

During all filming and photoshoots the band members were never given strict instructions on what to wear, or how to present themselves, simply told to wear casual clothing. We both decided this would be the best option as we wanted to portray each band member's individual & unique style.

We used the element of skate boarding throughout the video to give some action shots, we also felt that the skate boarding added another dimension to indie/alternative theme. The video also helps to give the audience a realisitic, inside view of the band member's lifestyle on and off the music scene. The skateboarding shots in particular show what the band members spend their time doing when not on tour or in the studios.

The video as a whole represents the ins and outs of what the band get up to in their leisure time. The idea of the video was to show the overall lifestyle of the band, both during performances and in their spare time. Famous lifestyles are often followed throughout the media industry and we believed that our video gives a non-biased more realistic account of band's lifestyle which is not what altered or misleading to sell albums and singles.

Our video is very much in the shadow of Bombay Bicycle Club's video for Shuffle. This video inspired us a lot to make our own version and we replicated a few scenes including the train shot and also the eating shot.

Insert the print screen of the two shots.

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